まずはじめに、IGI Globalから刊行された3冊の論文集です。
Interdisciplinary Models and Tools for Serious Games: Emerging Concepts and Future Directions
Serious Game Design and Development: Technologies for Training and Learning
and Cognition: Theories and Practice from the Learning Sciences
Interdisciplinary Models and Tools for Serious Games: Emerging Concepts and Future Directions
Table of Contents:
1. Narrative Definitions for Game Design
2. Rethinking Genre in Computer Games
3. Toward a Rhetoric of Serious Game Genres
4. Serious Games for Transformative Learning
5. Examining Motivational Factors in Serious Educational Games
6. Sacred Geographies
7. Methodological Considerations in Educational Research Using Serious Games
8. Evaluating Video Game Design and Interactivity
9. Persuasive Play
10. Aligning Problem Solving and Gameplay
11. Serious Games for the Classroom
12. Citizen Science
13. eGaming and Girls
14. Interactivity, Process, and Algorithm
Serious Game Design and Development: Technologies for Training and Learning
Table of Contents:
1. Mini-Games with Major Impacts
2. Serious Storytelling
3. An Adventure in Usability
4. Development of Game-Based Training Systems
5. DAU CardSim
6. Kinesthetic Communication for Learning in Immersive Worlds
7. How Games and Simulations Can Help Meet America’s Challenges in Science Mathematics and Technology Education
8. Games for Peace
9. Play’s the Thing. A Wager on Healthy Aging
10. Re-Purposing a Recreational Video Game as a Serious Game for Second Language Acquisition
11. Application of behavioral theory in computer game design for health behavior change
12. Avatars and Diagnosis
13. Using Serious Games for Mental Health Education
14. Pervasive Health Games
15. Influencing Physical Activity and Healthy Behaviors in College Students
16. Establishing a Science of Game Based Learning
17. The Way Ahead for Serious Games
Gaming and Cognition: Theories and Practice from the Learning Sciences
Table of Contents:
1. Video Games Revisited
2. Distinctions Between Games and Learning
3. MMORPGs in Support of Learning
4. Elemental Learning and the Pyramid of Fidelity
5. Feedforward as an Essential Active Principle of Engagement in Computer Games
6. Cognitive Load and Empathy in Serious Games
7. Effective Knowledge Development in Game-Based Learning Environments
8. Learners’ Cognitive Load When Using Educational Technology
9. Making a Connection
10. Activity-Based Scenario Design, Development and Assessment in Serious Games
11. Introducing Flowometer
12. Different Strokes for Different Folks
13. Developing Serious Games for Learning Language-In-Culture
14. Principles and Signatures in Serious Games for Science Education