
 今年も2/28-3/4にサンフランシスコで開催されるGame Developers Conferenceの初日と二日目にシリアスゲームサミットが行われます。2004年から始まったこのイベントも今年で8回目を迎えます。





Pioneers, Promise & Possibilities: Fitting Together Videogames & Health
Paul Tarini (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)

Hakkar’s Corrupted Blood Plague: How an Outbreak in WoW is Helping Epidemiologists Create Better Disease Models [SGS Health]
Nina H. Fefferman (Rutgers University)

Video Game Play as Nightmare Protection [SGS Health]
Jayne Gackenbach (Grant MacEwan University)

Serious Game Summit Playfest [SGS Health]
Speaker TBA

Healthy Microtalks [SGS Health]
Corey Bohil (Michigan State University), Don Miller (Playpower.org), Ben Sawyer (Digitalmill), Doris C. Rusch (MIT), Tadeusz Stach (Queen’s University) and Derek Lomas (Playpower.org)

My Avatar: Quantified Self Meets Behavior-Change Games [SGS Health]
BJ Fogg (Stanford University Persuasive Technology Lab), Richard Tate (HopeLab/Zamzee), Michael Kim (Kairos Labs), Ricky Engelberg (Nike Digital Sport)

Gamification 201 – 60 Tactics in 60 Minutes [SGS Gamification]
Molly Kittle (Bunchball)

Deeper Problems, Deeper Gamification: Solving Hard Real-world Problems with Games [SGS Gamification]
Seth Cooper (University of Washington) and Zoran Popović (University of Washington)

Hyperlocal Game Design: Connecting Social Currency to Real World Currency [SGS Gamification]
Kati London (Area/Code)

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges: How to Re-invent Reality Without Gamification [SGS Gamification]
Jane McGonigal (Institute for the Future)

GameJamification [SGS Gamification]
Speaker TBA

The Great Gamification Debate! [SGS Gamification]
Jesse Schell (Schell Games), Ben Sawyer (Digitalmill), Jane McGonigal (Institute for the Future), Ian Bogost (The Georgia Institute of Technology)