S.N.A.G.G.E.D. 1.3 is now available!
In this issue:
Video Games Redeemed
Surgeons Do It
Singapore’s Serious Games Laboratory
Video Games With A Social Message Getting Press
Intel Launches, Then Pulls IT Manager Game from Site
Multiplayer Army Game
CBS on America’s Army
The Army Brand
Pandemic’s Full Spectrum Warrior Due Out Soon
War games in real time
Playable- Real Lives
Playable- Building Homes of our Own
Book: Game Design Workshop
************************ S.N.A.G.G.E.D ************************
Serious News About Games
Generating Educational Development
The “SERIOUS GAMES” Related News Clipping Service
subscribe @ http://www.seriousgames.org/
ISSUE 1.3, 27 April, 2004
今後、Serious Gamesの活動に関連したイベント情報を掲載します。
Serious Games Talent Directory Project
Proposal for a “Serious Games” Developer and Talent Directory
Mission: Create a set of objective criteria that will allow a vetted listing of developers and other third-party talent related to the building of serious game style products and projects in order to stimulate wider adoption of such games.
Details: The Serious Games Initiative is asking for suggestions in how to build a database of vendors, and talent, that could help peers, funders, and other interested parties more readily build serious game projects. The database would allow potential listees to submit information about their company, personal skills, and related project history. Volunteer reviewers would verify the information against a published set of criteria. If the reviewers found the information is properly verifiable then the record would be approved and published. It could subsequently be updated and re-reviewed for the life of the database.
Users could search the database to find useful partners, and contractors to work with.